Hi Friends,
I wanted to share this writing by Branden Cohen of True Nature Healing Arts in Carbondale, because it really touched where i am these days. I thought of trying to change it to make it my own but then i realized that that would just be my ego and i would rather just share the love. I hope that it touches your heart and inspires you like it did me. Lots of love, Misty As I sit and watch the spring snowflakes fall from the sky, I feel their surrender. Each one falling in its own free way, coming to rest on sacred mother earth. For a time, their position and shape will remain the same. Eventually they will melt and merge into the ground. What are the roots of control? How does our control of the external (people, places and things) affect others? Could it be anger, fear and the deep desire for inner peace and love? If I exercise, do yoga, eat the right foods, have a clean house and car, keep very busy and everyone behaves as I deem they should, then I will feel safe. All I can say, is I am sorry for the many ways I have controlled myself, people (especially my children), and the things in my life. I can see clearly, now in this moment, that what I truly want is to love and be loved. My intention going forward is to hit the pause button in moments when I feel the need to control. Giving myself a "time in," to close my eyes, breathe deeply and feel what's on the inside. So much of our need to control in the present moment, is a reaction to what happened long ago. When my son spills a full bottle of soda in the new van, it's a dharma (teaching) bell ringing. The many triggers we feel each day are sacred opportunities to bring consciousness to that which is unresolved from childhood. We can spend our whole lives, trying to control and minimize the triggers, or we can surrender like the snowflake and merge into the oneness, peace and love that is our divine essence. May our need to control be a beautiful reminder to feel our fear and anger and bring love and compassion to the imperfect perfection that we are. Branden Cohen has been exploring the path of healing for twenty-five years. His passions include yoga, meditation, earth based ceremony, sacred music and Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Family continues to be his greatest love and teacher. He co-directs True Nature Healing Arts with his soul partner Deva. Send comments to: [email protected]
June 2024