Wa g'wan me Sistas and Bruddas,
That's how you say hello on the streets of Jamaica. Ahhhh Jamaica, my sweet home away from home. Summed up in a few words...simple, raw, beauty. I see and feel simple, raw, beauty, in the land, the air, the sea, and the people. When I am there I feel waves of Om Shanti (universal peace) seeping in and flowing through from head to toe. It’s in part my experience in Jamaica that has led me to ask myself how can I stay tuned to the raw simple beauty of life, and the peace and joy that that offers here at home where there are so many distractions. I have to take a moment to recall my steps as my feet touch down on Jamaican soil. First things first I put my phone on airplane mode, that takes care of that obvious distraction, I am transported by a car that I do not own, I have everything I need in one suitcase, I eat what grows on the island and lives in the sea, the ocean creates a rhythm of give and take as it continually washes up on the sand, and the cool breeze is blowin my cares and worries away all day long. All I really feel the need to say to a passerby is "wa g'wan me brudda/sista" and "ya mon". I realize with some dismay that I am the one who complicates my life. My unnecessary attachment to things, thoughts, and ideas is what creates stress and unrest in my life. If I want to see a change I have to make some changes in my life. In the four months since our trip to Jamaica I find myself more determined than ever to experience that freedom and bliss (moksha) in my daily life. Through my daily meditation practice I am discovering that what lies beneath the complications and distractions that I create is in fact bliss. Deepak Chopra stated at his recent Global Peace Meditation, "that if we can hold it in our minds we can hold it in our hands". As a way of holding the intention for complete peace, freedom, and joy, I have begun to create a vision board around Moksha. My Jamaican land is definitely a part of it and the mantra OM Shanti is at the core. Some lifestyle changes are taking place and seeds are being planted to cultivate peace. I am excited to see what's magical and beautiful and to share that with you. PEACE - The Final Frontier Om Shanti Love and Light, Misty
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June 2024